WHERE THE DANGER OF BEING RUN OVER BY AUTOMOBILES IS MINIMIZED OBSERVATI ONS IN THE ORIENT next the window. The Sister was glad to be introduced into another section where she could have the company of a little Chinese family, and we made short work of all the other fellows'belongings that were on the benches. Finally we settled down again and after a chat turned to that never-failing priest's-ompanion, the breviary. All went well for a good half-hour — when something happened and broken bits of glass flew over and at us. Sleep fled from the Chinese and the breviary was rudely interrupted, to be resumed soon after, with an act of thanksgiving. Somebody along the line had thrown at the train a good-sized rock and our compartment was the bull's eye. Bishop de Vienne made a run for the conductor but he was not be found until we arrived at the next station, when the misdeed was reported, with what result I do not know. At Paotingfu a Lazarist priest appeared in full Chinese dress, very comfortable-looking at that. Those Chinese garments are adapted to heat or cold, according to their lining, and those who can afford it have theirs lined with fur at this season of the year. There is, of course, fur and fur, and the skin which later I saw a poor Franciscan trying to buy was made up of the remnants of several cats. The Lazarist brethren were happy in their little reunion, which took place on the train at Paotingfu just as we three were breaking a loaf of bread brought by the Vicar-General to add to the perfection of the regular bill of fare. In a Walled City. We reached Chengtingfu towards four o'clock, and as the train sped away from us I began to realize that I was getting at the heart of China. Outside the station were several men waiting for passengers, but they were not chauffeurs, nor hack-drivers, nor even rickshaw pullers, yet each was as proud of his equipment as if it had been a New York limousine. The equipment was the tv/owheeled, springless, covered cart that is well-known to every bishop and priest traveling in China. I was invited to enter and I managed to back in, although I felt like backing out and walkingas I looked at a roadless expanse of humps leading to the walled 125